Happy Holidays from Swift.Mackarous!
Hope your 2024 was a great one.
I am looking forward to going back to 2 blog posts per week in 2025, my weekly newsletter, and who knows what other surprises may come.
Stay tuned and thanks for subscribing!
Take a look below for a bunch of articles that I’ve found interesting these past couple weeks.
Creating Smooth Transitions with PhaseAnimator in SwiftUI
In this article, I explore PhaseAnimator in order to create smooth multi phase animations in SwiftUI.
How to make Swift Enum conforms to Identifiable protocol
Sarun W
This one is handy if you are trying to use an enum inside a ForEach, or just trying to make it identifiable in general, but the part that I am most interested in is the one with associated types.
How to disable ScrollView clipping so contents overflow
Hacking with Swift
Sometimes you might have a tight ScrollView that contains items that have some shadowing or other effects. This is a handy modifier to disable ScrollView clipping.
Typed throws in Swift explained with code examples
Typed throws are interesting, but it does require some specific handling with how you define functions. I’ve tried to use it a couple times, but I have found that catching those errors don’t always work properly with the compiler.
Task Groups in Swift explained with code examples
Even though I’ve used Task Groups extensively in Swift, I find myself searching the web for reminders on how to use them constantly. This is a great article by Antoine van der Lee.