Apologies for the missed newsletters folks! It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, but I am making an effort to find the time to post new content.
Here’s a couple of small items to catch up on, and I will be back in full swing next week!
How to layer multiple windows in SwiftUI
Five Stars
I was curious if this was possible in SwiftUI, and obviously it’s not. So, dropping down to UIWindowScene is the way to go. This post was super helpful and concise.
Package traits
Swift Evolution
A new addition to Swift packages that allows for more configurable compilation conditions and optional dependencies. Thanks for the heads up John.
sending parameter and result values
Swift Evolution
Somehow I missed this new Swift 6 language feature: the new sending
keyword. Thanks again John!
One More Thing
Apple’s Week of Mac
New M4 chips, iMacs, MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs, and a Mac mini. Don’t forget all the new USB-C ports!